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![]() whatever comes, know that I love you..." Vencent, in "The rest is Silence" |
![]() " I know what it is to love you, Catherine. Yet I was unwilling to share your love with anyone." " Don't you think I have those feelings, too? Sometimes I envy Father and others in your life that receives your love and your care everyday, but all of those feelings come from LOVE! To turn away them is to forget where they come from." " What we share must always be so measures, so limited..." " Vincent, if this is my fate, I accept it, gratefully. You must believe that. Don't be afraid to want it, even only for yourself. Don't be afraid to deserve it. You deserve everthing..." 【之一】 文森:「我知道什麼是愛你,凱薩琳。這使我甚至不願意分出一點點對你的愛給其他人。」 凱:「你難道以為我並沒有這樣的感覺嗎,文森?有時候,我會忌妒父親,以及其他在你生活裡,每天接受你的愛與關懷的人們。但是,這所有的感覺都來自愛!背棄它們,就等於是忘卻它的真正來處。」 文森:「我們所擁有的,永遠總是如此地有限,如此地渺小...」 凱:「文森,如果這是我的命運,我會感恩地接受它,你必須相信這件事。請別害怕接受它,即使只是為了你自己。請別害怕去要求得到任何東西,因為你應該得到任何你應得的。」 Vincent and Catherine, in " A Fair and Perfect Knight" |
![]() " When I see you, Catherine, I am filled with a happiness sweeter than anything I've ever known and at the same time I'm reminded of a life that can never be, and I feel great pain. " " Vencent, what will we do? " " The only thing we can do , we will endure the pain, and save our every moment of the joy. " 【之二】 文森:「凱瑟琳,當我見到你,我的心便被甜美的幸福感所填滿,但在同時,我也想起一個我永遠無法碰觸的世界,感受到無比的痛苦。」 凱:「文森,我們的將來到底會如何呢?」 文森:「我們唯一可以做的就是忍受這樣的痛苦,而且珍惜我們相處的每一秒鐘。」 Vincent and Catherine, in " A Children's Story " |
![]() " Weird, isn't it? I 've been to Casablanca, the Himalayas, and Paris...all over the world - everywhere south of Oz and north of Shangri-La - and I dream about a HOLE in the ground! " " It is not so weird...when that hole in the ground is HOME. " 【之三】 戴文:「真是奇怪。我曾到過卡薩布蘭卡,巴黎...甚至是全世界!而我竟然在懷念一個地底下的洞穴!」 文森:「那並不奇怪...當那個在地底下的洞穴是一個“家”的時候。」 Vincent and David, in " Promise of Someday " |
![]() " Tell me something, Vencent, before I have to go." " What should I tell you? " " Tell me how it felt to hold a baby in your arms." " There is NO WORDS." 【之四】 凱:「在你走之前,告訴我一件事,文森。」 文森:「什麼事?」 凱:「告訴我,當你懷抱著一個嬰兒時的感覺。」 文森:「無以言喻。」 Vincent and Catherine, in " God Bless the Child " |
![]() " If only there was some way in which I could keep both of you safe...to shield you from harm, from pain..." " From life." " Because I love you, Vencent! I love both of you!" " Even love can wound, Father. The grave is a fine, safe place, but if we live, we bleed." 【之五】 |
![]() " He is my LIFE. Without he, there is NOTHING. " 【之六】 |
![]() " She can only bring you unhappiness. " Then I'll be unhappy! But I can't forget her. We're still connected. I can feel what she's feeling. I know what she's thinking, when she's frightened, when she's happy or sad. " " Vincent, your senses, your empathic powers are quite extraordinary. It's your gift. And these powers have been heightened by the concern, the love that you feel. But don't let your act of kindness destroy you." " Maybe I have no choice." 【之七】 |
![]() " Vincent, what weighs on you so heavy? um...? Please. Tell me." " She met a man. She's falling in love. " " Let her. Let her fall in love, Vincent. " " My mind tells me to rejoice for her and that she deserves happiness, but my heart is dying and poisoned by feelings, I've never felt before. Father... It hurts." " I've always dreaded this moment for you. And I... I suppose I've always known it would come the day when your heart would lead you to long for a life that can never be, Vincent." " Yes... (sigh) a life that can never be. " 【之八】 父親:「文森,你的肩膀上背負了什麼,如此沉重?嗯?告訴我......」 文森:「她遇見了一男人。她戀愛了。」 父親:「讓她去,文森。」 文森:「我的理智告訴我應該讓她得到幸福,但是我的心卻在垂死掙扎,我從未有過這種感覺......真的很痛......」 父親:「我總是再期盼這一秒能慢點來臨......但是文森,我知道這一天總會來的,當你的心帶領你去追求一個你永遠不能碰觸的世界。」 文森:「是......﹝嘆息﹞一個我永遠無法碰觸的世界。」 Vincent and Father,in "Siege" |
![]() "Catherine." " I've never been so frightened." " Your courage saved our lives. " " I felt like I was losing the best part of myself. I would've done anything. It wasn't courage, Vincent. It was love." 【之九】 |
![]() " Catherine, your gifts brought much joy today." " I wish I could do more. There're so many things I wish I could give you." " You give yourself, your generosity, friendship to all of us. There is no more than that." 【之十】 文森:「凱,你的禮物給我們許多的歡樂。」 凱:「我希望能給予你們的地下世界更多......」 文森:「不......妳給過我們許多了,你的人,你的慷慨,你的友誼,對我們來說都是無價的禮物。」 Vincent and Catherine, in "Fever" |
※初稿:1999.11.05. / 修改版本:1999.12.08 【 Next Page 下一頁 】