candleinblack.gif (7440 bytes)浮光掠影之四

In this city of night, in this city of millions, there are countless stories. 

This is one of two lowers who shared a bond that changed their lives forever. It is my story. Her compassion opened my heart to a world where goodness and truth were stranger than hate or fear. 

Then one day, she was taken from me by the forces of evil she had battled so bravely. 

And now, alone with her memory, yet armed with her courage, I have sworn to fight those who would kill or harm or destroy in the hope that one day, I will find what all men seek to find: my destiny. 

「美女與野獸」第三季影集開頭,文森的唸白candleinblack.gif (7440 bytes)

candleinblack.gif (7440 bytes)【第三季】     附註:大多數網友都沒有收錄第三季的資料,資料不多...

candleinblack.gif (7440 bytes)一些場景的照片...

若以任何形式轉載,請洽站長。home.gif (766 bytes) 

第一季】 / 【第二季之一】 / 【第二季之二

All images are a copyright of Republic Pictures Corporation. "Beauty and the Beast" is the intellectual property of Republic Pictures Corporation.